10. Kelsey
Kelsey is a VERY new site model but is already bcoming more popular with each day. While I was researching, Ic ame across at least ten sites with her as their model on the default sign. ON ONE PAGE. So I then decided to put Kelsey on the list as our number ten.
09. Jessica
Jessica is a model becoming more and more popular. She's known for her great pictures, and her unique look. Already a staple for site modeling, I can see her popularity majorly growing in the future
Jessica is a model becoming more and more popular. She's known for her great pictures, and her unique look. Already a staple for site modeling, I can see her popularity majorly growing in the future
08. Erin [a.k.a Aphrodite]
Erin is one of the newer "have-to-use" site models on MySpace, her profile being noticably newer then old favorites, but she has already gotten herself several fake sites and endless requests to site model. She got her start by winning contests.
07. Zoe
Number seven is Zoe, one of the younger site models, but still well known. She is very common on layout sites and wins contests.
Number seven is Zoe, one of the younger site models, but still well known. She is very common on layout sites and wins contests.
06. Carly
Well known, but not super famous, Carly, a real model, as well as site model, comes in at number 6, and I don't really know what else to put about her.
05. Lea
Lea is another one of the more-known site models on MySpace's layout sites. Lea got her start through her real life best friend, another Myspace "celebrity", known as Whitney Wreckless, who will be on our countdown further up. Many people use Lea's pictures, or ones of her and Whitney together, those two are the ORIGINAL "have to have" site models.
04. Ana
Ana is probably one of the five most-used models on MySpace, and i'm sure if you asked a few MySpace people if they know "Ana from MySpace" they'll probably reply "yes" immediately. While Ana frequently site models, she seems to be the type to keep more to herself. She is one of the original site models, and considered one of the prettiest as well.
03. Whitney
Coming in at number three in our countdown is the girl who may be the most-used site model on MySpace- Whitney 'Wreckless'. The best friend of our number five girl, Lea, Whitney has over forty MySpace posers, and probably well over five hundred sites use her picture for their signs. She and Lea are all over MySpace, and in real life, are inseperable.
02. Morgan
Our number two, Morgan, doesn't have a special name and nothing about her makes her stand out at first. She's your typical girl next door. So what makes her so famous? Her amazing Photoshop skills, her amazing sense of fashion, and the fact that she's extremly rich. She owns a layout site called Catwalk, and with over 10000 friends on her personal MySpace, she is a very common site model. She's a very famous girl on MySpace, she was one of MySpace's older members. She gets hundreds of picture comments, hundreds of site model requests, and hundres of other things. So she had to be pretty high up.
And our number one most famous person on MySpace is....
01. Taylor "Bebop"
Taylor Bebop is definitely THE most famous person on MySpace. She runs what very may be the most popular layout site on MySpace, Bebop Layouts, with close to 450,000 friends, and on her personal MySpace, she has almost 15000 friends. She's known for her unique fashion sense, her obsession with big glasses and tennis shoes, and the fact that she wears boys clothes as well as girl clothes. Taylor is a true individual and she is known well as "Taylor Bebop from Myspace", even having her own fansite! This gives Taylor a well-deserved number 1.